Scientific Advisory Board (SAB)

About SAB

The Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) develops the research priorities for the Strategic Research Agenda, scopes FACCE-JPI actions through input to working groups developing joint actions, is involved in the evaluation of the JPI actions, and advises the Governing Board.

The members are experts in a diversity of disciplines and are selected for their outstanding academic record and international visibility and reputation.

They are active at international level (e.g. IPCC, ICSU panel etc.) and have a broad vision of the challenges facing agriculture, food and climate change. The SAB comprising of 14 members and 1 associate member representative is elected by the Governing Board.

The SAB is chaired by Jørgen Eivind Olesen, Head of Department at the Department of Agroecology, Aaarhus University.

FACCE-JPI Scientific Advisory Board -Terms of Reference - update March 2021