Governing Board (GB)
The Governing Board (GB) determines FACCE’s strategy (Strategic Research Agenda) and the joint activities to implement this (Implementation Plan) on the basis of transnational workshops.
The Governing Board obtains advice from the Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) and the Stakeholder Advisory Board (StAB), whose members are selected by the Governing Board. The Governing Board comprises representatives of all participating countries.
GB Chair and Vice Chairs
Jean-Francois Sousanna - Chair
Barna Kovács - Vice Chair
Ministry of Agriculture BIOEAST Secretary Permanent Representation of Hungary to the European Union
Liselotte de Vos - Vice- Chair
Flanders Government| Department of Economy, Science and Innovation
GB Members
Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation
Bureau A02.34, 54 bd Raspail, 75006 Paris
Anne Puech
French National Research Agency
Rue de Bercy 212, 75012, Paris
Isabelle Hippolyte
French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAE)
147, rue de l’Université, 75338, cedex 7, Paris
Jean-François Soussana
Department of European and International Policies and Rural development, Research and Experimentation Office ( MASAF)
Via XX Settembre 20, 00187, Rome
Stefano Grando
Ministry for Education, Universities and Research Department of Higher Education and Research (MIUR)
Viale di Trastevere 76, 00153, Rome
Yasmin Iollo
New Zealand
National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences
Splaiul Independenței 296, 060031 Bucharest
Dr. Ancuța-Cristina Manolică
National Authority for Scientific Research Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport Directorate for International Policy and Programmes
Mendeleev Str. 21-25, 010362, Bucharest
Monica Alexandru