Work Package 5
Communication, Exploitation and Dissemination of the results
WP5 will support and facilitate the communication and dissemination activities of this ERA-NETCofund with the funding bodies, the partners in this ERA-NET, linked research organisations,stakeholders, media and all other potential users of information emerging from the research projects of this ERA-NET. The communication and dissemination activities should have high impact in research communities and support the development of sustainable and resilient agricultural systemsand appropriate technologies in all partner countries. A key objective is to support the launched projects in an effective dissemination of their respective research results and a productive knowledge exchange with farmers (organisations) and all other non-scientific end-users in the whole food chain.
The key objectives of WP5 are as follows:
- Develop a communication and dissemination strategy for knowledge exchange
- Develop a website for information about this ERA-NET Cofund on Monitoring and Mitigation of GHGs and for the funded projects
- Develop information tools for the dissemination of the results of the funding projects,including newsletter, press releases, poster, leaflets, etc.
- Initiate workshops/conferences and support dissemination and knowledge exchange activities carried out under the auspices of the funded organisations of the research projects.
Lead and Task leaders
Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, the Netherlands (Lead)
Wageningen University & Research (WUR), the Netherlands (Task leader)