

The agricultural sector in Europe faces significant challenges in curbing GHG emissions while maintaining food security and sustainability in a changing climate. EU policy proposals requiring a 40% reduction in emissions without a corresponding decrease in primary production pose significant challenges. As a result, incorporation of abatement strategies into tailored sustainable production systems and the implementation of these strategies on the ground are of the upmost importance. In addition, the inclusion of C sinks as an offsetting option, particularly in forestry and agricultural soils, means that verification of sinks and the impact of management on those sinks is vital.


The aim of this ERA-NET Cofund is to strengthen the transnational coordination of research programmes and provide added value to research and innovation on greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation in the European Research Area. ERA-GAS will cover aspects of monitoring and mitigation of agricultural GHGs, including such aspects as reducing uncertainties and improving national agricultural GHG inventories, the role of climatic variability and agricultural and forestry practices for GHG emissions, the technical and economic potential of CH4 and N2O mitigation, carbon sequestration and reduced emissions from energy use and pre-chain inputs, emissions/removals certification, economic and policy measures, including trade, barriers to implementation and life cycle assessment.


The ERA-GAS consortium consists of 19 partners from 13 countries.

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