
Science-policy interface: MACSCUR SciPol discuss lessons learnt and future outlook

Published on
November 24, 2022

Last Friday, on 18 November 2022, the MACSUR Science-Policy Knowledge Forum (MACSUR SciPol) held its end-term meeting in an online workshop. Prof.Katharina Helming (ZALF),Heather McKhann(FACCE-JPI) welcomed 40 participants from science, policy, funding and science-policy experts to the online workshop.

The key activities, outcomes, implementation lessons on communication with policy-makers and the usability of scientific evidence were discussed. The core output of the pilot is an enhanced capacity of both researchers and policy-makers through the provision of science-based answers to policy via exemple cases on mitigation and adaptation measures, their impact, synergies, and trade-offs.

Science policy activities listed by the workshop participants
Science policy activities listed by the workshop participants

The follow up SciPol project is currently being discussed and may focus on topics such as carbon farming and farm-level accounting.

The lessons learnt and suggestions for future directions for the science-policy interface in agri-food sector in Europe will be published in a series of policy briefs. The first two, one giving an overview of European climate policies relevant for agriculture and the other on the trade-offs and synergies between soil management, climate change mitigation and agri-food productivity are available to download below.

1. Climate policies brief

2. Trade-offs and synergies between soil, climate, productivity brief