
Joint Workshop between FACCE-JPI and JPI Climate outcomes

Published on
October 26, 2022

On the 19th and 20th of October, a joint workshop between FACCE-JPI and JPI Climate was held in Brussels. Around 50 participants – national inventory compilers, agricultural emissions experts and policy makers discussed over two days the state of the art, research needs, and the use of emerging science to improve agricultural GHG inventories for UNFCCC reporting. Speakers included policy-makers from DG RTD and DG CLIMA and researchers from the Joint Research Centre, EEA and the IPCC.

The aim was to start a discussion and to solidify a network around the improvement GHG inventories in Europe, particularly, having a data-driven/modelling vision for a Tier 3 Europe. Questions asked included:

  • To what extent do we already capture available promising interventions in the agricultural sector in the national inventories?
  • How to go from local, farm-based data to national reporting?
  • What are the challenges for inventories to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing Carbon Farming Certificates?

    Do you need more information about this event? Please contact us at