
Future Research Needs in Sustainable Crop Production-new white paper from ERA-NET SusCrop

Published on
August 25, 2023

One of the grand societal challenges of the 21st century is to ensure food and nutrition security for a growing population under climate change and pressure on natural resources. To do this, sustainable crop production needs to be secured and enhanced.

To meet this challenge, 18 countries established the ERA-NET Cofund SusCrop under Horizon 2020, which aimed to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) in the field of Sustainable Crop Production. SusCrop brought together owners and managers of national and regional R&D&I programmes of EU Member States, EU-associated countries and Third countries with significant experience in research funding and coordination who participated in funding 38 research projects over the period 2018-2023. Additionally, the partners of SusCrop analysed research gaps through desk studies, exchange with stakeholders, and two expert/stakeholder workshops. The conclusions of this work are presented in the White Paper that you can download below.

White paper on Future Research Needs in Sustainable Crop Production