Actions with ERA-Net BiodivERsA
Nature-friendly farming
The accelerating loss and degradation of ecosystem services at a global scale is alarming. The negative impacts that follow do not only affect the natural world but also the human society. How will global warming influence ecosystem functioning and service provision from agriculture? To what extent can biodiversity support agriculture? Which policies and governance systems can best promote these nature-friendly systems?
Joint Calls
These kind of questions were on the main focus of a joint transnational programme in 2018-2019 that was set up by FACCE-JPI and the BiodivERsA ERA-NET Cofund. The topics of the ten chosen projects include developing strategies to protect honeybees, evaluating mixed cropping systems, and the positive role that biodiversity can fulfil in protecting crops against pests and droughts.
A more recent joint call in 2019-2020 has been announced to cover topics on the consequences of climate change on biodiversity and nature’s contributions to people, on feedback processes between climate and biodiversity, on the potential of nature-based solutions to mitigate and adapt to climate change, and on synergies and trade-offs between policies on biodiversity, climate and other relevant sectors, as well as the role of agents of change.
Collaborating for a biodiverse and sustainable agriculture
The governing bodies of FACCE-JPI and BiodivERsA have decided in June 2018 to work together further on the identification and implementation of short-term opportunities for collaborative activities but also on the establishment of a long-term strategic dialogue for the development of a joint vision. This vision will facilitate the evaluation of topics that are at the interface of biodiversity and agriculture, and the identification of future joint actions. Such joint actions could involve, for example, valorisation activities for the projects that were funded under the 2013-2014 Call in order to increase the impact of already funded research.