Nine projects selected for funding for the 4 ERA-NETs call on Circularity
The four ERA-NETs FACCE ERA-GAS (Monitoring and Mitigation of Greenhouse Gases from Agriculture and Silviculture), ICT-AGRI-FOOD, SusCrop (Sustainable Crop Production) and SusAn (Sustainable Animal Production Systems) have coordinated and aligned efforts in areas of mutual interest and established a joint transnational funding initiative in the field of agricultural greenhouse gas (GHG) research, focusing on circularity in mixed crops and livestock farming systems with emphasis on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
After peer review and ranking of the 39 eligible full proposals by the International Evaluation Committee, the funders recommended 9 projects for funding within the limits of available national/regional funding.
The Call is funded by 29 institutions from 22 countries (16 EU Member States, 3 EU-Associated Countries and 3 non EU/Associated Countries) and the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases.
The overall expected impact of projects funded under this call is to enhance circularity between crop and livestock farming systems.
Proposals must cover all the four points that follow:
- Focus on mixed crop-livestock farming systems
- Address the monitoring and/or mitigation of GHGs from agriculture or agroforestry.
- Contain an Information and Communication Technology (ICT) dimension.
- Take a systems approach.
Project Title | Project Acronym | Coordinator | Countries Involved |
Strategies for circular agriculture to reduce GHG emissions within and between farming systems across an agro-ecological gradient | CircAgric-GHG | Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, NIBIO, Norway | NO, KE, ES, IE, DE, IT, ZA, UK |
Connecting sustainable agroecosystems and farming with circular bioeconomy and new technologies | ConnectFarms | Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per le Scienze Ambientali, Italy | IT, BG, LT, EE, ES, PL, TR |
Multi-criteria assessment, decision support and management tools for sustainable circular mixed farming systems for dairy production | DairyMix | Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Germany | DE, IE, IT, PL, FR, NO, BE, AR |
Integrated crop-ruminant livestock systems as a strategy to increase nutrient circularity and promote sustainability in the context of climate change | INTEGRITY | National Institute of Agricultural Technology, Argentina | AR, ES, FI, UK, NZ, PE, UY, FR, IE |
Mitigation and adaptation through better biomass cycling in crop livestock systems of north and western Europe | MI BICYCLE | Wageningen University, The Netherlands | NL, DK, UK, FR |
Balancing production and environment | PROENV | Aarhus University, Denmark | DK, NO, ES, IT |
Back to the Future: reintegrating land and livestock for greenhouse gas mitigation and circularity | ReLive | University College Dublin, Ireland | IE, FR, NL, DE, ES, FI, PL, EE, NZ, CL |
Synergies in integrated systems: Improving resource use efficiency while mitigating GHG emissions through well-informed decisions about circularity | SENSE | The James Hutton Institute, UK | UK, NL, DE, IT, BR, AR, UY |
Solutions for GHGs emissions mitigation for the mixed farming systems across different European climates | Solution4Farming | Beia Consult International, Romania | RO, PL, ES, FI |